Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Joining TalkPH. net

Was browsing through my online friends' blogs when I stumbled upon TalkPH.net from Realm of a Dreamer. It's a local forum where you can join discussions (like the usual forums that have been around), but what's special about it is that they have an Ad Revenue Sharing Program, which helps you earn while you create a topic or participate in a thread. Earnings are entered to your Google AdSense or Yahoo Publisher Network. For this, I entered my Google AdSense account.

I've just joined a few minutes ago, as of this writing, so I'm still in the process of learning the TalkPH.net ropes, so to speak. I'm going to join in the discussions and see how this goes from here.

If you want to join TalkPH.net, you can click here and register.

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